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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Who'll get C2?

It would irresponsible to speculate on who will get C2 funding before the Seventh Report & Order (7R&O) has even been finalized.  So here I go.  I took enrollments from Funds for Learning and made the table below.
Disc. Enrollment Pre-discount New disc. Funding Cumulative
90% 4,001,855 $ 600,278,250 85% $ 510,236,513 $    510,236,513
89% 801,583 $ 120,237,450 85% $ 102,201,833 $    612,438,345
88% 1,095,160 $ 164,274,000 85% $ 139,632,900 $    752,071,245
87% 1,043,237 $ 156,485,550 85% $ 133,012,718 $    885,083,963
86% 953,147 $ 142,972,050 80% $ 114,377,640 $    999,461,603
85% 1,652,725 $ 247,908,750 80% $ 198,327,000 $ 1,197,788,603
84% 1,397,768 $ 209,665,200 80% $ 167,732,160 $ 1,365,520,763
83% 2,583,654 $ 387,548,100 80% $ 310,038,480 $ 1,675,559,243
82% 1,410,271 $ 211,540,650 80% $ 169,232,520 $ 1,844,791,763
81% 1,332,516 $ 199,877,400 80% $ 159,901,920 $ 2,004,693,683
80% 2,586,563 $ 387,984,450 80% $ 310,387,560 $ 2,315,081,243

What is that table?  The first two columns show the total enrollments of schools and districts that applied at each discount level in FY 2014.  For pre-discount, I multiplied enrollment by $150.  The new discount is my guess at what the discount will be under the new district-wide discounts and top discount.  Using the pre-discount and new discount, I calculated how much funding will be needed to cover each discount level.  Then the cumulative column shows how much funding we'll need to cover all the schools at that level and higher.

So by looking at that last column, we can see how much funding we'll need.  So if everyone applies for C2, and everyone is successful, $1 billion will cover schools that were at 86% and higher last year.  To cover all the way down to 80%, we'd need $2.3 billion.

So over the course of the next two years, the $2 billion that the Chairman leveraged out of the fund will give $150/student pre-discount to almost all the school districts with more than 50% of their kids eligible for free or reduced lunch.

Does your district have less than 50% NSLP participation?  No C2 for you.

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